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We're a Children's University Learning Destination

3 March 2018

Children's University

Our goal as a club is to get more girls playing football, and not just because it is great fun and fantastic exercise. We know that being part of a team also builds valuable life skills such as communication, teamwork, confidence and resilience.

We are therefore proud to announce that Stevenage Starlets FC have been approved as a Learning Destination for the Children’s University scheme.

The Children's University is an international charitable trust that encourages children aged 5 - 14 years to try new and exciting learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours, developing new interests and acquiring new skills.

The scheme aims to raise children's aspirations and develop them through worthwhile out of school activities, rewarding achievements and participation with a series of certificates.

How does it work? Where else can the children learn?

The hours are added to the passport, either at the time (in the case of a museum visit), or half termly or termly in the case of ongoing activities, and they build up over the year.

Each year, the local CU (based at North Herts College) organises a graduation ceremony where the children put on caps and gowns to receive their certificates. Certificates start being awarded at 30 hours of participation, and go all the way up to 1,000 hours.

What do you need to do? What does it cost?

If your child is interested, then the only thing you will need is a passport, which costs £5. Registration forms can be obtained from the club, and we can collate and forward to the college to obtain the passports. Once the passport arrives, then all systems go!

We already track attendance at training and matches, and therefore can easily calculate the hours collected by each participant - these are :

- 1 hour per training session

- 2 hours per match

- tournament hours will be decided each time

How can my child benefit from taking part?

"Children's University works to develop a love of learning in children by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school.

Research shows that participation in extra-curricular activities can positively impact on attainment, increase a pupil’s positive identification with school, and build self-confidence and resilience. It also shows that children that do not have access to these opportunities can fall behind, lack confidence, and fail to develop career aspirations.

Being part of CU give children the opportunity to learn in a rich range of contexts, experience new places, visit universities and attend their own graduation ceremonies. This adventure introduces children to the joy of learning, brings a sense of wonder in the world around them and develops their confidence and aspirations for the brightest futures".

At Starlets FC we are dedicated to helping our girls achieve their goals, both on and off the pitch. Being part of this scheme is recognition of the valuable contribution we can make to young lives and how we can help ensure they reach their full potential.

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