Football Family Festive Fun
17 December 2017
As the year draws to a close it’s been another busy week for the Starlets football family, with the whole club getting into the festive spirit.
Starting off with our first ever Christmas party, the girls (along with some brave adults) took to the floor at RollerCity in Welwyn to show off their skating skills.
Somehow we made it through the evening without serious injury, which is always a bonus when you have a fixture scheduled for Saturday.
This was followed by some party food and the sharing out of Secret Santa gifts, which it turns out is quite a feat of organisation for 40 children.
Having started the club with just 12 girls we never imagined we’d grow so fast and this was the perfect way to all get together and celebrate.
Grand Prize Draw Takes Charity Fundraising Over £2,000
Next we got busy preparing to distribute some additional festive goodwill, with the winners of our Grand Prize Draw being selected.
Thanks to the generosity of local businesses we had over 50 fantastic prizes to give away, raising money for both the club and our chosen charity.
From a brand new car (for a weekend at least) to golfing kit, beauty treatments to vouchers for a local butcher, there really was something for everyone.
And we’re pleased to say we made over £900, taking our total raised for Breast Cancer Care this year to well over £2,000! Huge thanks to all involved.
We’ll be busy contacting all our lucky winners over the next few days, and hopefully all will have their goodies in time for Christmas.
Santa's Little Helpers
Finally our girls rolled up their sleeves to raise funds by helping stressed out Christmas shoppers pack their bags at Waitrose in Stevenage.
As ever they did us proud, looking thoroughly festive and being really rather helpful. It is just like having your very own army of Christmas elves.
Thanks to everyone in the store for your donations. We will put them to good use in the new year as we continue to grow and get more girls playing.
At this rate who knows how big we could be by next December? Come to think of it we’d better start planning next year’s Christmas party now.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!